04 February 2015

3 Things That Suck About Comparing Ourselves With Others

Continuing our Emotional Health conversation I wanted to list 3 things that suck about comparing ourselves with others. Here ya go:

  1. I'm not good enough. When we compare ourselves with other leaders, ministries, Christians, families, etc. we can often see them in a perfect light while seeing ourselves in a less than perfect light. We look at all their beauty and can't see that because of the comparison trap we have emotionally photoshopped their blemishes out of our eyes. Remember they're not as good as you think they are. They have more problems than you can see from the outside. They have issues too. Stop feeling less than good enough because you think someone else is better than you. Just stop!
  2. I'm better than they are. This is the opposite of the 1st point. Many times we will compare ourselves with others just to make ourselves look better. We end up saying to ourselves things like: "At least I'm not doing..." or "They're not as good as I thought they were" *translation "I'm glad that I can see how much better we are than they are!" Don't let comparison cause you to develop spiritual pride. 
  3. I'm right where I need to be. This is the one thing that may be the hardest to spot and cause the most damage in the long run. When we look at others and aren't encouraged/challenged to continue to move our lives and leadership forward we are in danger of becoming obsolete as leaders. As a leader we are always trying to improve. There is a reality to being comfortable with the process and I am not kicking against that. What I am kicking against is when we look at other ministries and never want to grow and get better. Don't get complacent. Stay hungry. Refuse to look at others and say, "Wow if I just keep doing what I'm doing I'll be just like them one day." God doesn't want you to be just like them one day - God wants you to keep striving and keep growing and be just like him one day.
Many more things suck about comparison. These are just 3 I wanted to highlight today. Enjoy!

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